Saturday, January 21, 2012

Help Your Body To Burn Up Excess Fat | Philippines Press Release

Are you interested to find out about a secret that may just help you burn unwanted body fat? When you eat foods in the proper combination, your body will be able to obtain its perfect weight. Knowing which foods can be consumed together is the essence of this weight loss approach. This allows your digestive system to work the right way, resulting in complete digestion. Stick To these tips to develop a healthier digestive tract.

There are 4 different types of food, and every type calls for different conditions for total breakdown of food. The four various food types are protein-rich foods, carbs, non-starchy veggies, and fruits. Fish, meat, dairy, soy, and nuts are the primary protein-rich foods. Starchy veggie like potatoes, cereals such as rice and oats, baked foods like bread and cake, and also pasta are all included under carbs. Lettuce, celery, and other usual salad ingredients represent the non-starchy vegetable group.

Fruits are grouped into sweet-tasting, acidic, sub-acidic, and melons. Sweet-tasting fruits include: bananas, figs, dates, prunes, and majority preserved fruits. Some acidic fruits are lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pineapples. Sub-acidic fruits are apples, papaya, mango, plums, kiwi, peaches, and nearly all berries. Melons include watermelon, sweet melon, honeydew melon, and various other melons.

Various chemical conditions are called for by each type of food, to be fully broken down. On one hand, proteins require an acidic environment, while on the other, carbohydrates rich food need an alkaline condition. Combining carbohydrates and proteins results in neither an acidic nor an alkaline environ, which is not enjoyables. Stomach disorders could be result to this undesirable habit. You may cause yourself spasms or reflux, or even worse conditions, by combining incompatible foods.

If you follow the following guidelines, you’ll feel a lot better after eating. At every meal, resolve whether you will eat protein-rich foods or carbohydrates, but not both. You can eat foods high in protein or carbohydrates with non-starchy vegetables.

Consume fruits on their own, and, ideally when your stomach is empty. Sub-acid fruits blend well with both sour or sweet fruits, if you like to consume more than one fruit type in a serving. Try not to take in other fruits with melons.

A good number people aren’t aware that proteins, carbs, and fruits all require varying time intervals prior to digestion is finished. Proteins are not fully digested until four hours after food, while high carb foods break down completely in two. Therefore, wait at least three hours after you’ve eaten a carb meal to have foods high in protein.

Because these guidelines propose you should stay away from usual food items such as pizza with cheese, hamburgers, and meat sandwiches, it is best to give yourself some time to adopt these new habits. Observe these guidelines and you’ll find you’re feeling your best and eliminating extra weight without depriving yourself of eating well at each meal.

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