Monday, January 9, 2012

A Life More Vibrant: Melon Granita with Sweet Cream

Oh, how I LOVE THIS RECIPE and I know you will as well!

This PERFECT blend of deliciousness in a chilled, crispy, creamy, sweet and fresh dessert beverage - with or without alcohol added - is SO FABULOUS both to ring in the coming New Year and also for next summer to welcome in and enjoy those lazy, hot days!

Found in Bon Appetit magazine a few years back, I LOVE the simplicity of this recipe as well as how pretty it is - especially adorned with mint sprigs, a fanned strawberry or even an edible chocolate spoon as a final touch. The best part? Melon is a great low carb fruit, rich in vitamins A, B6 and C as well as potassium and fiber, and with a few healthy tweaks to the original recipe, it is just as delicious with less calories and carbs to hassle with if you are watching those numbers, so create, serve, and ENJOY!!

1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons Stevia
{original recipe calls for sugar}

1/2 cup water
1 1/2 tablespoons finely grated orange peel
3 cups chilled cantaloupe/Charentais melon cubes
1 cup chilled heavy whipping cream
2 ounces Peach Schnaps {optional}

Place 1 cup Stevia, 1/2 cup water and grated orange peel in a small saucepan. Bring to simmer over high heat, stirring with wire whisk to dissolve Stevia. Reduce heat to medium and simmer one minute more. Pour into an 8"x 8"x 2" metal pan and allow to cool. Puree the melon in processor until smooth but with some texture remaining. Measure 2 cups of melon puree and add to the syrup in the pan. {Add the optional Peach Schnaps if desired at this time.}Whisk well to blend and then cover and place mixture in freezer. Freeze until thoroughly frozen about 4 hours, stirring with a fork every hour. Keep covered and frozen and refrain from devouring the pan of yumminess.

With an electric mixer, beat heavy whipping cream and 2 tablespoons Stevia in medium bowl until peaks form. Remove granita pan from freezer and using a fork, scrape granita into icy flakes. Spoon 2 tablespoons of the granita into the bottoms of six glasses, topping each with a tablespoon of sweetened whipped cream. Repeat layering with granita and whipped cream, add a pretty garnish and serve immediately. It is best if you serve the granitas to your guests instead of hiding in a corner and eating them all.

Serves 6 ~ Per Serving:
Calories: 190, Carbohydrates: 6g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 1.3g, Sugar: 1.3 g

{Original recipe by Lora Zarubin, Photo by Tiyoshi Togashi}


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