Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Grow Cantaloupe | gardenswag

How to grow cantaloupesIf you've got plenty of space and ample fertile soil, growing cantaloupe (or muskmelon, as some folks call it) is a great way to get a steady supply of this delicious summer treat. Heat- and sun-loving, cantaloupe (Cucumis melo reticulatus), doesn't require too much maintenance (with the proper fertilization and pest precautions, of course), and the payoff is definitely worth the work: fat, sweet melons loaded with vitamins. Want to know what sunshine tastes like? Grow your own cantaloupe and find out.

How to grow cantaloupes and muskmelonsWhether you're hoping to grow cantaloupe by direct sowing seeds in your garden or by starting your seeds indoors, here are some tips that should help you get your mini melons off to a good start:

  • Above all, remember that cantaloupe need plenty of sun and heat. From germination to harvest, cantaloupe plants like it hot, hot, hot. This means that soil temperatures need to be a good 80° – 90°F for germination and at least 70° F for transplants. This is why people often start growing cantaloupe indoors and then transplant seedlings to the garden after a few weeks.
  • Cantaloupe can have poor germination rates if not sprouted before planting. To maximize your germination rates, sprout your cantaloupe seeds in wet paper towels before planting them in soil.
  • Whether growing muskmelons indoors or outside, they need well-drained, highly fertile soil.

When your muskmelon seedlings are ready to graduate to the garden, be sure to give them everything they'll need to thrive. This means your growing cantaloupe will need:

  • Full sun, regular watering, and at least 8 to 10 feet of roaming space for their vines (unless you're growing a container cultivar). If you're a container gardener, use early cultivars and grow melons in containers that are at least 18 inches wide and deep. If you're a vertical farmer, remember that most growing cantaloupes (except small cultivars like Lil' Loupe') will need to be supported in slings or nylon sacks.
  • Growing cantaloupes in a containerRegular fertilizing. Cantaloupe (like other melons) are heavy feeders with high nutrient needs. If you're a fertilizer aficionado, start off nitrogen heavy (from transplant to flowering) and then switch to a phosphorus-and-potassium-heavy fertilizer (after fruit reaches maturity).
  • Warm soil. If you live in a temperate region, use fabric, plastic mulch or hot caps and milk jug cloches to keep young plants warm.
  • Regular watering. Growing cantaloupe are sensitive to drought, especially from transplanting until fruit set. But don't over water or you'll invite rot and powdery mildew.

If you jump through all the right hoops, you should be rewarded with a good 3 to 5 cantaloupe per plant (depending on variety). Harvest your melons when the stems start to crack, fruit smells sweet, and the rind color changes from a dull gray-green to a khaki-esque buff-yellow.

Like most super-tasty garden fruits and vegetables, cantaloupe (and other melons) are easy pickins' for few different varieties of garden pests and diseases. To keep your cantaloupe growing throughout the season with minimal hassle, mind the following:

  • To protect against aphids, cucumber beetles, mites or other common melon-devouring garden pests, use row covers and hot caps to protect plants. Or, interplant with vegetables and plants that repel insects (like radishes, marigolds and allium).
  • Powdery mildew and fusarium blight can be concerns. To protect against these common plant diseases, try finding resistant cultivars (often hybrids) and/or finding ways to control  powdery mildew.
  • How to grow cantaloupes and muskmelonsCantaloupe melons are in the cucumber family, so they have some surprising cousins (namely cucumbers and winter squash). Unless you're hoping for bitter, inedible fruit, don't grow cantaloupe near cucumber and winter squash plants (as cross-pollinating plants will ruin your crop). And since they're all related, the same goes for other melons (like honey dew, Crenshaw and Casaba).

Looking for more in-depth information on how to grow cantaloupe and other melons (like preferred soil pH, planting depths and germination rates)? Check out the Gardening Guides page for tips on growing this sweet, summer fruit.

Images thanks to briannaorg (twice!), amboo213, and ClearlyAmbiguous.

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Growing Guide: Cantaloupe Melons | gardenswag

How to grow cantaloupe melonsWhat's round, sweet and related to cucumbers? Melons! Here's just about everything you need to know to grow one of summer's favorite fruit: cantaloupes. Just remember to give yourself plenty of room: Most growing cantaloupes need between 8 to 10 feet of space for their vines (although the cantaloupes you can grow in containers may not need quite as much). So, unless you want to spend your summer yellin' for melon, leave plenty of space and put out plenty of fertilizer to grow this sweet, tropical treat in your garden.

Sowing Guide

When to sow indoors 3 – 4 weeks before last frost
When to sow outdoors When soil is at least 70° F
Seed depth 1/2"
Germination soil temperature 80° – 90°F
Germination length 3 – 5 days (longer for cooler soil)
When to transplant When melon seedlings have 2 – 3 mature leaves

Hale's Best Jumbo (a favorite)

Halona (resistant to disease and powdery mildew)

Lil' Loupe' (container cultivar)

Growing Guide

pH range 6.0 – 7.0 (6.0 minimum)
Soil temperature 70° – 85°F
Spacing Varies by size
Watering Moderate from germination to fruit development; low or none during fruit ripening.
Light Full sun
Nutrient requirements

N = low

P = high

K = high

Fertilizer schedule Every 6 weeks or so
When to harvest When stem starts to crack and fruit smells sweet

Looking for more information and inspiration?
Check out these tips for growing cantaloupe melons.

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happy-go-lucky pitbull pup Melon on kill list @ NYC shelter good w ...

  • Details forhappy-go-lucky pitbull pup Melon on kill list @ NYC shelter good w/dog
  • Price:Please Contact
  • Address:326 e110 st, New York, NY 10029 (map)
  • Date Posted:03/30/12
  • Age:Baby
  • Gender:Male
  • Breed:pitbull/mix mix
  • Offered by:Shelter
Description At 61 lbs, Melon is a relatively big boy but much more accurately, he's a big teddy bear. One of the things I noticed right away about Melon is his cute curly tail. It made me wonder what his "mix" is. Melon walks really well on the leash, never pulling and always a gentlemen. When I sat down on the park bench to give Melon some TLC and a treat, he responded with a big hug! I laughed so hard and he seemed to smile in return. The smile in his photo certainly shows how affectionate and sweet Melon is (Is the sweet part why they named him Melon? I think so!). As an added bonus, Melon seems to be housetrained, going outside as soon as he had the opportunity. Melon was not happy to go back in his pen after our walk and no wonder. This happy go lucky guy is a true "people dog" who wants to share his company and receive attention in return. Won't you come meet Melon today and go home with your new forever friend?

My name is MELON. My Animal ID # is A0927123.
I am a male br brindle and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 year 6 months old.

I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 03/21/2012 from NY 10454, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.

more info:

This dog is located at the Manhattan Animal Care&Control (326 E 110th Street, NYC 10029). Please act quickly and GO DIRECTLY TO THE SHELTER to adopt (open 7 days per week from 8AM-8:00PM, adoptions opens at noon). you must CALL THE SHELTER to let them know that you are coming. The shelter will officially open at 8am, but they start destroying at 6AM, so call EARLY if you can adopt. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE (212-722-4939 keep hitting 0 until someone picks up you can also try 718-966-3608 as a backup #).. Also, have the ID# listed at the top of this post handy when calling!! This dog is on the euthanasia list and is scheduled to be killed at any time! If you absolutely cannot get to the shelter, please contact participating rescue groups listed toward the bottom of the link to see if they can assist you:

On behalf of the dog before you, THANK YOU.

For more information on adopting, please visit this website: and click on “How You Can Help.” There are also helpful links with information on each main album description.

*I do not have this dog, and cannot 'hold' or pull any dog...I am simply trying to help give them the 2nd chance they all deserve. You will have to call the Animal Care Center at the tel# above, or contact a rescue group from the link above for assistance.

Ad ID: 18179680

ಅಡಿಗೆ: Water Melon Rind sweet Curry

Water Melon Rind Sweet Curry  can be eaten with Rice , Chapatis , Pooris or Dosa.
Things Needed:
Water- Melon Rind : 2 Cups.
Coconut: 1/2 cup. ( Fresh grated).
Jaggery : 2 Table spoons.
Salt :To taste ( according to your taste).
RawRice : 1 Tea spoon
Ghee : 1 Table spoon.
Mustard Seeds: 1/2 Tea spoon
Urd Daal: 1/2 Tea spoon.
Curry Leaves: 6 to 8
Red chillies : 3 to 4
Water : 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder : a pinch.

Remove the skin from the Rind and wash it nicely and cut into small pieces. Put the pieces in a big pan and cook using 1/2 cup of water or  pressure cook for 7 to 8 minutes and leave it for cooling. Wash and soak rice in water for 10 minutes.
 Grind Coconut using little water and the soaked rice  into thin paste and remove from the jar.
Now keep a big pan on the fire and  put ghee and add mustard seeds and urd daal . Cut red chillies and add it to the spurting mustard.  Add curry leaves and  cooked  water melon rind pieces . Add salt and
turmeric powder. bring it to boiling .  Add jaggery and ground coconut and rice mixture and cook for 5 minutes.   You can add water if the curry becomes thick. Serve this curry with hot rice or Chapatis.
Note : Cook the vegetable until soft.  Stir nicely while its boiling .  You can add jaggery according to your taste. ( less or more).  You can add more ghee if you wish.  You can use rice powder instead of  raw rice. (  Mix  rice powder when you add coconut mixture).
Serves : 2

Tre delicious – Restaurant Tre Marie

So what’s your pasta style? Are you a straight up tomato sauce kind of person? Meat sauce? Alfredo? Salad? Or are you like me and like your pasta in a red sauce, but the next day in a sandwich with cold cuts? Strange right? But try it, and you can thank me later! I ask because recently I almost forgot what it was like to eat good pasta. Wait stop, I mean, GOOD pasta – the type of pasta where when you eat it, you’re convinced that the restaurant or chef has some sort of secret supply of pasta. You believe that it’s next to impossible to get pasta like that at home unless you flour up the kitchen, make a mess and make your own; and even then enough of it will stick to everything and your whole process won’t yield more than a biteful… Don’t ask me how I know.

You know that feeling when your nonna gives you a great big hug, then slobbers a smackeroonie on each cheek, her moustache pokes and tickles your face, then she tells you to go get something to eat in the kitchen? No? Not Italian? Neither am I, but I can imagine it. However, the closest thing I can get to this warm fuzzy feeling it is hitting up one of my favourite spots on the edge of Littally (Little Itally – get it? I’m so funny) called Tre Marie.

My friend and I split the hot and cold appetizer. This yin and yang antipasto featured an array of nibbles to get your appetite going. Marinated eggplant, fresh cut tomato, bocconcini, a handful of olives, sun dried tomatoes, proscuitto and melon comprised of the cold portion of the plate. Pretty ordinary in terms of staple antipasto items. The grilled vegetables and sausage in red sauce made up the hot section of the dish. The sausage was what stood out. Home made pork and veal sausage. Very tender and very sweet, it was a nice contrast to the rest of the plate especially the cold juicy melon. Overall a well rounded start to our meal. Please take note, I just used words like sausage, pork, tender, sweet, juicy, melon… and made no sexual innuendoes at all… damn I must be losing it.

Since I ordered my meal from that day’s table d’hôte, it came with a choice of soup or salad, I chose the salad. I’m a firm believer that mesclun is not salad; when you toss delicate little greens whose daintiness parallels a 5 year old’s tea party dressed in Disney princess dresses, it’s not salad. Me bro, I need a thick crisp and crunchy lettuce, packed with the essential dietary fibbers to ensure the safe passage of the subsequent mounds of white carbs (oh how I love yo so) to ensure it reaches it final destination. What was I saying again…? Oh yeah, tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette, the salad was salad.

After gawking at the menu for 10 mins, my friend heeded my advice and decided to go with the aglio e olio (garlic and oil) with sun dried tomatoes and roasted red peppers. I’ve had this dish before and it’s by far one of my favourites. She was skeptical about the lack of sauce or meat for that matter, but soon realized that I write this blog and went for it.

Topped with parsley and table side grated parmesan, this pasta dish will open doors for you and awaken senses that you didn’t even knew you had. The garlic was sweet and olive oil was fragrant and was practically infused into the pasta by way of sex and extortion. The sun dried tomatoes added a nice salty kick to each perfectly al dente bite of pasta. The first time I had this dish, I almost got it pregnant… with my eyes.

I had the veal in white wine sauce with a side of pesghetti in red sauce. I know a lot of people have reservations about eating veal, and how the practice in which they’re raised is inhumane and whatnot – I understand, I respect that, but I don’t care. I believe animals were meant to be eaten, if not, someone please explain to me why are they so tasty? It would be inhumane if they farmers flooded the barns with Celine Dion’s greatest hits album through loud speakers and made the cow wear a party hat – THAT I will not stand for… no offence to Celine as she is a frequent customer to this place – you keep doing your thang girlfriend. :)

The highlight of this plate was the veal itself – obviously. Tender slices of milk-fed veal smothered in white wine sauce, the aroma coming off this plate made my nose drool. Meaty and bovine in taste, the veal was swimming in this sweet sauce that I would have been more than happy to drink as a soup; which says a lot considering, I don’t like soup! The pasta as always was perfectly al dente and tossed with the homemade tomato sauce.

We opted out of dessert as their tiramisu was sold out; which I guess is a testament to the quality and taste of their homemade dessert. There are a lot of places to eat at in little Italy, but only a few places where you can actually see a little old lady in the kitchen. She doesn’t know you, so she probably won’t come out and kiss and welcome you, but you can definitely feel the love in the food you eat. Now what else tastes like the love of an old Italian lady other than a mound of pasta, food coma and the need for espresso after your meal… wait, don’t answer that.

Restaurant Tre Marie
6934 Rue Clark

Restaurant Tre Marie on Urbanspoon

Thursday, March 29, 2012

cookbookjaleela: Channa melon salad (for babies)

.    Channa melon salad

Serves : 2

White Channa (chick peas)  – 25 grams

Sweet melon – ¼ cup (  cut bite size)

Water melon – ¼ cup (cut bite size, seeds removed)

Salt – 1 pinch

Honey – 1 tspn

Dry ginger powder - 1 pinch


Boil the white channa (chick peas) 

Cook them well so that you can mash them.
Add melons and sprinkle the salt ,honey, dry ginger powder.
Mix well and serve to your baby.
Eye catching colourful  salad will attract the babies to eat. 

Sending this to Nithu's  Healthy food for healthy kids (10 to 12 months) finger food event hosted by Sowji 

Homemade Sweet & Sour Mix for a Midori Sour | Fat Girl Trapped in ...

I generally chose a drink based on how pretty it is; layers of colors, fresh fruit garnishes, fancy glasses, mini umbrellas poking out of the top. Cocktails can be so fun, so why chose the ‘blah’ clear ones. I don’t even know what’s in those clear ones, but they’re boring.

A few Saturdays ago I went to Bev Mo to pick up some essentials for a cocktail, a colorful cocktail is what I had in mind. When I walked into the store I was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of alcohol in 1 place. So I started with the isle that was the most familiar to me: the food section.  Then I moved to the sodas and the mixers, theeeeen I ventured into the alcohol.  I was carrying around a shopping basket, but it stayed empty because I was clueless on what to buy. Where’s the isle labeled: fluorescent booze?

As I was wandering somewhat aimlessly through the store, I remembered trying a midori sour a few months ago when Jon and I went out on a date. It was super good, probably because it was pure sugar and hot green, but whatev… I’ve wanted to make one at home ever since, so, this is as good a time as any, right?!?! I grabbed a bright green bottle of melon liquor and I looked up a midori sour recipe on my phone while standing in the middle of the store (don’t we all do this? If you don’t, humor me).  Apparently I needed sweet and sour mix, whatever that is. Yes, I had to google what ‘sweet and sour mix’ even is. I  headed over to grab the mix. The frugal, cheapskate, penny pinching “I can make everything better from scratch” in me could not find it in myself to purchase sweet and sour mix.  So I didn’t.

The good news is, sweet and sour mix is way easy and cheap to make!  Phew, because after my adventure in Bev Mo, I was exhausted and almost didn’t even WANT to make the mix, and was maybe regretting not just buying it… But, I made the mix, chilled it, poured myself a drink and relaxed… And it was sooooo worth it.

Homemade Sweet & Sour Mix


1/2 cup lemon juice

1/2 cup lime juice

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

Add all ingredients to a small pan and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to a simmer (small boiling bubbles), and simmer for about 10 minutes, until the mixture reduces a bit.

Remove form the heat, pour into a container and refrigerate until ready to use.

Mix will last in the fridge up to 1 week (maybe longer?).

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1 ounce melon liqueur

1 ounce vodka

2 ounces sweet & sour mix

Splash of Lemon Lime Soda (Sprite, 7-up, Sierra Mist)


orange slice, garnish

Put ice in a small-ish glass. Pour melon liqueur, vodka and swet and sour into the glass, top with soda, garnish with an orange slice.

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Recipe credit: I looked on about 486 bazillion sites at different recipes, for both the mix and the cocktail, that were all slightly different. I finally just decided to wing it, and hope for the best.

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Canarian Culinary Treats – 4 Restaurant Picks On Gran Canaria

Lauren Linzer rediscovers her Canarian roots.

Lauren Linzer, our guest writer and expert from Madrid, lived in Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.  We are lucky to have her advice as she’s buddies with the locals and has eaten at out-of-the-way places most tourists don’t know about.  Goat cheese, fish, mango juice and more. 

 By Lauren Linzer

It is said that of the five senses, smell and taste provoke the strongest association with memory, melding an aromatic or flavorful experience to a nostalgic snapshot in time. This phenomenon was apparent to me recently as I returned to Las Palmas of Gran Canaria Island this spring.

Six months had passed since my departure from Las Palmas, and returning to my favorite dining spots brought back a myriad of happy emotions, where many fond memories were born. Such a wide variety of incredible eateries in Las Palmas uniquely highlight the fare of the Canaries and I made it my duty to revisit my favorites.

Just a block shy of the boardwalk of Playa Las Cantaras (the main beach), I experienced my first traditional Canarian meal at a hidden tasca (Spanish wine bar) called Galileo. Upon first arrival to the two large wooden doors that were open to the warm air but tucked quietly away, this gem appeared to be nothing more than a hole in the wall.Crossing the threshold, the cozy atmosphere, filled with the exuberant chatter  and a myriad of enticing aromas, immediately charmed me. We ordered from a single overhead chalkboard that listed a variety of meats, fish, and traditional Canarian tapas. The queso frito (fried cheese) arrived first, accompanied by a sweet melon sauce and a basket of bread. The rich queso cabra (semi soft goat cheese) paired with the heavenly sauce had my taste buds singing.

 Next, a platter of croquettas manzana, with the delicately fried crust wrapping around the warm dough center of these sweet creamy marvels. A simple salad topped with crispy fried onion and a light, sweet dressing, and a filet of local white fish, drizzled in a balsamic reduction left me full and happy.

Another sparsely known treasure, El Roque, is difficult to find, but worth the search. Located outside of Las Palmas on the edge of a tiny, carless pueblo called San Filipe, this Italian fine dining experience offers an assortment of the freshest fare from the sea, savory pastas, and succulent meats. The incredible cuisine pairs perfectly with a glass of wine, the stunning view, and the impeccable atmosphere. Before 9:30pm, the tables will be empty, but grabbing a seat on the rounded stone terrace that juts out into the sea in time for sunset is a priceless treat.

El Roque

They offer light blankets and heat lamps if the evening sea breeze is chilly, but the private, classy interior also creates the ideal ambience. The best part of this locally owned establishment is the incomprehensible affordability for such a high quality experience.

After a long day of lounging on the beach, when I craved a simple, casual bite, I bee-lined to my favorite burger joint, Natural Burger. Only a short, lazy stroll away from Playa Las Cantaras, this eco-friendly fast food creation offers a wide variety of hamburgers and hotdogs, topped with whatever your heart desires. And the best part for this former vegetarian? They all have meatless, soy alternatives. 

The highlight of Natural Burger is not the burgers at all; for just two euros you can have a large glass filled to the brim with fresh local juice made from whichever tropical fruit your heart desires. Blending peach, mango, and papaya or simply a full glass of pulverized watermelon has a body-quenching capacity like nothing else.

Unlike Mickey D’s, Natural Burger isn’t open late night, but there’s a bar situated in the Las Cantaras district of Las Palmas that serves more than Tropical (the local beer). My first impression of El Veril Pizcos y Papeo was that of your typical dive bar, the walls covered in photographs of wild patrons, the small space filled shoulder to shoulder with inebriated locals.

It was quickly disproven when the jovial bartender plopped down a heaping portion of papas arrugadas (typical Canary dish of new potatoes that have been boiled, baked, and salted) and a tray of clam-like shellfish called “lapas”, all drizzled with mojo verde (a popular dipping sauce on the island, made with garlic, olive oil, and herbs). The lapas tasted like a bite of the ocean and paired perfectly with the warm, salty potatoes and a cold beer. What better way to start an exciting night of laughter and dancing than with a plate of the freshest bar food imaginable.

Lauren and her stomach give thanks to her local buddies who told her about the cool restaurants.

These finds aren’t likely to be listed in travel books and don’t show off their menus on websites. If it weren’t for my local amigos, I would have never stumbled upon these special places. In many ways it makes them even more precious to me and will always be a valuable piece of my cherished experience in Las Palmas.

More Scoop: cheap flights Tenerife, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and other Canary Islands are easy to arrange from mainland Spain. Try Vueling, RyanAir and Iberia. Also keep in mind that ferries can be taken between islands.

Related Spain Scoop:  Needing a beach?  We have lots of Scoop on the islands.

Lauren Linzer, fromaleigh, North Carolina, gave up the day to day grind of corporate sales to embrace life in Spain as an English teacher and travel writer in Madrid. She is the author of Eleven Eleven, a travel blog sharing personal accounts of life on the road and living abroad. Read more about her experiences at:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sweet Melon & Pineapple Juice | How To Juice

Sweet Melon & Pineapple Juice

  • half a melon%juicing how to juice %juicing how to juice
  • half a pineapple
  • a strong flavoured apple such as granny smith

Cut the skin from the melon and the pineapple before cutting into smaller pieces. Place all ingredients into the juicer. Pour into a glass to serve.


highly concentrated with excellent levels of beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is also one of the very few fruits that has a high level of vitamin B complex¾B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine).

Cantaloupe is rich in anti-oxidants that can help prevent cancer and heart diseases.


Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. B-complex group of vitamins like folates, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

The Wonderful World of Melons | Iovine Brothers

Melons are enjoyed all over the world. Here are just a few of the more popular melons you will find at Iovine Brothers!

Honeydew Melons are a variety of muskmelon with a pale yellow waxy skin and crisp light green flesh. The thick, juicy flesh is eaten raw on its own or mixed with other fruit in salads. It can also be used to make drinks.

Cantaloupe Melons are more closely related to cucumbers than water melons. Cantaloupes are flavorful with a beautiful aromatic fragrance. They normally have a uniform, round shape with bumpy skin. Their interior flesh is a delicious orange color. Cantaloupes are rich in vitamin A, vitamins C and B9

Piel De Sapo Melons are a Spanish-style melon about the size and shape of a football with an attractive green, mottled, patterned skin (non-netted rind). Also known as Santa Claus, Christmas, Camouflage or Frog Skin, this delicious melon has pale green to white flesh that is very sweet, juicy and tender. Piel de Sapo melons have a super-sweet melon flavor with a juicy, honedew-like essence.

Similar to a canteloupe, but with a green flesh interior, the Galia Melon was grown originally in Israel, but is now also grown in the US, Brazil, Spain, Costa Rica, and Panama.

The Canary Melon is a large, bright-yellow melon with a pale green to white inner flesh. This melon has a distinctively sweet flavor that is slightly more tangy than a honeydew. The flesh looks like that of a pear but is softer and tastes like a cantaloupe. When ripe, the rind has a slightly waxy feel. The name comes from its bright yellow color, which resembles that of the canary (bird). This melon is often marketed as the Juan Canary melon.

The Hami Melon ranges from a round to oval shape and is often characterized by color patches and netting. There are more than 180 variations of this melon, causing a wide variety of shapes, sizes, rind patterns, and flesh colors. Rind color varies between off-white, yellow, brown, and green with netting or lines.

Hey Guys, New To The Forum. Quick Question. | Hookah Kings Blog

First off, just wanted to say hi, there's a lot of great info here and I look forward to digging through it.

I'm having a bit of an issue with my Mya econo gelato (1 hose) and for the life of me I can't figure out what's causing it. Right off the bat the smoke is harsh and VERY thin, nowhere even approaching what I'd consider a cloud. I'm using the standard gelato hookah and bowl, packing it lightly with starbuzz sweet melon (which doesn't get harsh in my KM), 1 33mm holland quicklight, and 2 layers of regular foil. I light the coal and wait for it to get gray all over then I place it on the edge of the bowl with almost half of it hanging off. I'll give it a minute to heat up but when I give it a draw to see how it's doing, if I get the slightest whisp of smoke, it's harsh. I don't understand why, I'll rotate it to a fresh spot and then there will be no smoke but as soon as it starts smoking again the harshness it back.

Any ideas? I've never experienced jumping straight from no smoke to harsh burnt smoke (still with no clouds) and I feel I'm adding the heat pretty slowly. I don't dare use a windcover as that'll turn it into harshcity.

HELP!!! lol, I have the KM at home and that thing is great, but I like to take this hookah to parties and things like that and crappy smoke is just plain embarrassing.

Thanks in advance guys,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sugar jar eat sweet food not get fat secret recipe : leptin

Sweets are a lot of girls love most, but want to eat the but again afraid of get fat? The following are a few eat sweet food not get fat recipe for everyone.


For many people, from the temptation of sweets is the temptation of chocolate, although chocolate high in calories, also easy to make the person suffers from angina, but still people still resist the temptation from chocolate.

You like to eat fruit-strawberry, banana, pineapple and melon, cut the or flake, eat with chocolate sauce (note that not pour chocolate sauce that you will eat: oh, too much chocolate, so many calories you want to lose difficult!) This method is really smart, let your friends and eat the health and the fruit.

Or you also can eat black chocolate because it is rich in antioxidants, is good for your health.

Milk sugar, ice cream

If you want to eat milk sugar, so with yogurt add honey can smooth. Or eat small pudding, also can let you desire to contorol cabinet.the wait. If you really will only want ice cream, then buy the miniature packaging and each can only buy one, don't put too much in the refrigerator for your great temptation of these things, so next time you eat when may be about to run to the supermarket to buy hardships, don't think too much trouble, ha ha, that they have less time.

Many melon and fruit is sweet alternative, made the melon and fruit dessert, all fix, and not maltreat mouth, also is good for your health? Here are some good advice:

· a drop in melon and fruit on the honey

· bananas, strawberry mixing, put in freezer, frozen into ice cream shape, take a small spoon, and enjoy the authentic fruit ice cream.

· bananas roast piece, above sprinkle nuts to eat.

· pick three you love to eat the berries, strawberries, raspberries! It is fine, half boiled water. Cool them down to join the other half of the fruit, and then add a small spoon stir you love to eat vanilla ice cream.

Many dietitians agree that people properly eat some sweets reward yourself, but the key is not what you eat, but how much you eat. "Less each day to satisfy yourself a few can too." Eat portions really the key.

If you indulge yourself, breath ate five cookie, plus five chocolate, then you will absorb too many calories, 3500 calories ah, than people each day to consume more calories. 250.

So the bottom line is: eat those you really want to eat, and is good for health, not too much and don't too little.

You can easily control the intake of calories, and at the same time, can satisfy your desire for sweets. The sugar jar, don't taboo eat sweets, as long as you follow these myths do, let you how to eat all not fat.

Xmas in Malta :: Multiverso Incognoscible

deliver to cocos islands, deliver to cocos islands, deliver to christmas islandThe well being profit of fresh new fruits and vegetables is undeniable. Each individual well-being correlated post, each individual healthcare report and each and every working out application recommends fruits and greens.

But owing to severe weather styles in the very last 12 months and predictions of significant weather in the potential, selling prices are rising. Aside from the weather, is the value of gasoline and rising labor price tag. All these symptoms could induce the price of produce to skyrocket in the coming months.

The finest way to shield oneself from the growing expense of fruits and veggies happens in smarter choosing routines. We’ll go over strategies to reduce the charge of purchasing fruits and veggies.

The greatest way to conserve dollars on contemporary fruits and veggies is to purchase them in season and freeze them for year around use. Beneath is a Peak Year Obtaining Chart For Fruits and Greens. Use it to prepare your produce obtaining and save big.

Peak season for


Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Collard Greens, Tangerines, Grapefruit.


Oranges, Parsnip, Rutabaga, Kale, Endive.


Artichokes, Avocados, Bermuda Onions, Spinach, Pineapple, Beets, Asparagus, Turnips.


Radishes, Watercress, Strawberries, Dandelion, Bananas.


Cucumbers, Green Beans, Green Onion.


Watermelon, Apricots, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Lemons, Cherries, Chicory, Figs, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries.


Black-Eyed Peas, Blackberries, Corn, Okra, Peaches, Plums, Summer season Squash, Wax Beans, Watermelon, Limes, Green Peppers, Mustard Greens, and Strawberries.


Watermelons, Black-Eyed Peas, Corn, Peaches, Plums Cantaloupe, Green Peppers, Limes, Raspberries, Blackberries.


Apples, Crenshaw Melon, Honeydew Melon, Lima Beans, Pears, Persian Melon, Nuts, Pomegranate, Sweet Potatoes.


Broccoli, Apples, Brussels Sprouts, Casaba Melon, Chard, Cranberries, Grapes, Sweet Potatoes, Wintertime Squash, Nuts.


Sprouts, Cranberries, Endive, Nuts, Almonds, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Cauliflower, Carrots, Broccoli, Apples.


Apples, Celery, Cranberries, Parsnip, Grapefruit, Collard Greens, Carrots, Rutabaga, Potatoes.

By subsequent the ideas in this chart, you will save hundreds of bucks this yr on you food expense. Hold an eye out for revenue and stock up on recent make by slicing them up, storing them in unique freezer bags and making the most of recent reduced-amount (peak season) provide calendar year all around.

A wholesome diet plan of fresh fruits and veggies is a verified way to combat today’s most threatening ailments these as significant blood strain, diabetes, weight problems, heart illness and most cancers.

Latest Deliver Points You Should Know


Make continues to be an essential aspect of a healthy and balanced eating habits mainly because it is a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

The authorities on the two sides of the debate agree on the well being added benefits of eating plenty of fruits and veggies — natural or traditional — considerably outweigh any opportunity risks.


Refrigerate perishable fresh new fruits and vegetables (like strawberries, lettuce, herbs, and mushrooms) at a temperature of 40&deg F or underneath.

Reduce away any harmed or bruised sections on new fruits and veggies prior to preparing and/or consuming.

Clean fruits and greens below running drinking water just prior to eating, chopping or cooking. Studying to keep generate the right way can help save home cooks income and heartache caused by spoiled fruits and greens.

Some fruits and greens, such as plums, peaches and bananas, are nonetheless ripening in the retail store.

Exotic fruits from Ecuador | Backpack Me

For its dimensions, Ecuador is a country that offers great variety of landscapes and weather. No wonder it is home to so many native varieties of exotic fruits that are rarely found in other parts of the World.

We went to the market and bought all the fruits we could find that we haven’t had before. The result? The most colorful fruit platter our eyes have seen!

From left to right, in the photo above, we had:

  • Taxo (banana passionfruit)
  • gooseberries (the little orange ones)
  • naranjilla (little orange in the front)
  • tree tomato (red egg shaped tomato)
  • granadilla (orange one in the foreground)
  • dragon fruit (yellow cactus in the back)
  • tuna (prickly pear – green cactus in the back)
  • sweet cucumber (on the right)

My favorites were the passion fruit look-and-taste-alikes: Tao and granadilla, mildly sweet and slimy, but in a good way.

The cactus ones, dragon fruit and tuna are very juicy – I guess cactus know their way to accumulate water. Surprisingly enough, the prickly pear is incredibly colorful on the inside. One pictures cactus to be plain and somehow dull, but when you cut this fruit open, not only you are invited to take it to your mouth because of its aroma, it’s also a feast for the eyes.

Exotic tropical fruits from Ecuador

Exotic tropical fruits from Ecuador

If you are thinking a tree tomato is just another kind of tomato that simply grows on trees, there is more to it! It’s hard to place it on the sweet or savory side of things – it’s a bit tangy but delivers a smooth and pleasant after taste. It’s very commonly used in juices here in Ecuador. And talking about juices, that’s what you would need to do to a naranjilla to be able to eat it. It’s incredibly sour! So unless you blend some of them along with sugar or honey, I don’t think many palates would have a happy ending with this one. Sweet cucumbers are a more watery version of sweet melon. Not precisely inspiring or unique. Refreshing though.

Gooseberries, locally known as uvillas, are rather similar to cherries I’d say. Pick a cherry, take out the seed, give it a citrucy tangy taste, color it orange and there you go… you have a gooseberry! Goes well on pretty much anything.

So, what are the most exotic fruits you have eaten lately?

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