Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kale Cucumber Melon « ONA INK

All of the ingredients in this smoothie are green, so an alternate name for this smoothie this week could be

Kale Cucumber Melon Smoothie Ingredients

You need

  • 2-3 large kale leaves (or other type of leafy green lettuce or cabbage).
  • 1/2 cup cucumber
  • 1 cup melon – I used honeydew
  • 1-2 cups ice

If your melon is not that sweet, or if you want it a bit sweeter, you could add some pineapple and/or pineapple juice.

Kale does have a stronger flavor than other leafy greens- yet combined with everything it turns out very refreshing, especially with the ice. I think you could easily have this as a dessert smoothie since it is sweet- kind of like a light Italian gelato.

Kale seems to be a really trendy vegetable lately (yes, in this day and age vegetables can be trendy- it’s a first-world problem) but at least following this trend is really really good for you.  It is being lauded as one of the healthiest vegetables out there, especially if you eat it raw like in this smoothie. I can’t guarantee exactly what kind of nutrition breakdown this smoothie has, but I am fairly sure that it will fulfill all of the daily requirements for Vitamin A, C and K.  To learn more about kale, some good sources are here from Web M.D. and of course Wikipedia here.

It’s also perfect for celebrating March 17th because if you get a bunch of Kale this week, you can then use it to make Colcannon for your St. Patrick’s Day dinner!

Today Fiona and Rijen went on a bike ride together.

I need to take more pictures of Leif. I happened to take this one of him the other day when he was in his car seat.  He loves to look at things upside down.

And two random pictures from our files. I asked Rijen for a number and he said 155, so that brought up a bunch of pictures, from which I picked these two coordinating shots:

Norwegian Royalty

Headdresses I found interesting while visiting the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo- September 2010.

Hendrick Royalty

And a Headdress we (unfairly?) imposed on Leif while visiting Rijen’s family in Utah- December 2011.

Visit again tomorrow for a really good breakfast smoothie!


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