Saturday, March 10, 2012

Information on How To Slim Down Without Going on a Diet « Weekly ...

Getting rid of those unwanted pounds may be simpler than you believe after you learn these simple facts. One of the best kept secrets to losing weight is to simply take in foods in specific combinations that allow the body to totally digest what you eat. The fundamental principle of eating to boost weight loss involves mixing items from harmonious food groups while avoiding contradictory foods in a single meal. When you eat up harmonious foods at the same meal, your digestive system will be able to do its job right. Stick To these pieces of advice to develop a better digestive tract.

You can split foods into one of four types based on their digestive characteristics. Sugars, proteins, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables make up the four groups. Foods that are good source of protein include all meats and fish, dairy products, nearlyall nuts, and soybean foods. Carbohydrate-rich food include potatoes and starchy veggies, grains such as rice, corn, oats and millet, pasta, honey, desserts, and baked goods such as bread, biscuits, cakes, and pastries. Non-starchy veggies include the usual salad ingredients, herbs, and a handful of seeds.

Within the group of fruits are four sub categories: acidic, sub-acidic, sweet and melons. Figs, prunes, bananas, and dried fruits hold adequate amounts of sugar to be classified as sweet. Citrus fruits and pineapples are the main acidic fruits. The fruits referred to as sub-acidic, such as apples, papayas, kiwis, peaches, and berries contain less acid than citrus fruit, which is why they are called sub-acidic. Of course, it’s easy to guess what to include under melons; watermelon, honeydew melon, sweet melon, and other varieties.

Each food types is broken down by different chemicals in the digestive track. On one hand, proteins need an acidic environment, while on the other, carbohydrates need an alkaline environment. Blending carbs and proteins results in neither an acidic nor an alkaline environ, which is not enjoyables. Stomach problems can be caused by this bad habit. This is the reason many people are suffering from acid reflux, for example, or even irritable bowel syndrome.

To avert such problems and burn fat effectively, stick to these uncomplicated rules of correct food mixing at each meal. Try not to blend proteins and carbohydrates simultaneously. Non-starchy vegetables go well with both, so they can be a standard addition to almost all of your meals.

Fruits should eaten up alone. To ward off tummy discomfort, consume just one food type at every meal, or mix the different types of food as follows: sweetly flavored fruits with acid fruits, or sour fruits with sub-acid fruits. Don’t take in other fruits with melons.

A good number people aren’t aware that proteins, carbs, and fruits all require varying time intervals before digestion is finished. Foods rich in protein are not totally digested until four hours after eating a meal, while carboyhdrate foods break down totally in two. Therefore, wait at least three hours after you’ve eaten a carb meal to have foods high in protein.

Since many the typical meals include detrimental food combinations, you may need some time to eliminate old habits. Observe these guidelines and you’ll find you’re feeling your best and losing weight without depriving yourself of eating well at each meal.

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