Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ethiopia “Tchembe” Coffee Has Arrived! : Fonté Café & Wine Bar ...

On Friday March 2nd, Fonte Coffee Roaster debuted their new Ethiopia micro lot, “Tchembe”.   The green coffee beans arrived at the end of last summer and have been carefully stored in sealed Grainpro bags, with the intention of releasing the coffee during the late winter to early spring season.

“Tchembe” comes to us through “Ninety Plus Coffee“, a group of importers who pay growers a premium to follow strict protocols of harvest and processing. In past years, we have been extremely impressed by the cup quality these methods produce.  We have also offered coffees from the Beloya and Nekisse projects, names that inspire nostalgic smiles from both our customers and baristas.

“Tchembe” is a dry process coffee from the Yirgacheffe region. This process allows the coffee fruit to dry before being removed from the seed, imparting a range of flavors to the “bean” that come to life again in the brewed coffee.  In many cases, the use of this method introduces many off flavors to the coffee such as, dusty, hidey and ferment tinged acrid notes. They avoid these defects with the “Tchembe” by employing the strictest standards of selection, drying and milling.  Once brewed, the results are breathtaking.

A wide range of sensations begin in the cup, with candy sweet initially, followed by a grapefruit tang that develops on the tongue and lingers on the palate well into the finish.  The bold, sweet fruit flavors dominate throughout, with aromas of banana morphing into delicate but powerful sweet melon notes. Not a shy cup, the Ethiopia “Tchembe” speaks loud and clear from the first sip to the last drop.

Ethiopia Tchembe                  $22.00 / lb


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