Thursday, April 12, 2012

Health benefits of melons - The Truth About Thin

By Betty Murray

With spring in full swing and summer nearing, before we know it, it will be time for the summer fruit harvest. Fruits and vegetables have multiple health benefits, but you may overlook the healthy benefits of some of your favorite summer foods. Melons are a sweet and cool summer treat that are packed full of many disease-preventing nutrients.

Here are a few benefits of melons:

Reduce risk of heart disease – Melons are a rich source of lycopene, which is a nutrient known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Increased lycopene in blood plasma can protect your heart.

Prevent inflammation and protect against diabetes and obesity – Melons contain B6, which is a vitamin that helps maintain metabolism, which in turn, can reduce inflammation as well as your risk of developing diabetes or obesity.

Reduce blood pressure – Melons are also a great source of potassium, which is a mineral that can help to control blood pressure. Cantaloupe is the melon with the highest potassium content. One cup of chopped cantaloupe contains 10 percent of your daily needs.

Boost immunity and can heal wounds – Melons contain citrulline, which the body uses to make arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that is essential to the immune system, and is also known to help heal wounds. Want to help your kids’ scrapes and cuts heal quickly? Feel them melons.

Rich source of vitamins – Orange melons are packed full of vitamin A, which is important to vision and bone growth. Cantaloupe also contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can protect against illness.

Secondary to their health benefits, melons are a sweet, refreshing summer food that even kids love. Rather than a bowl of ice cream after an afternoon out in the sun, sit down with a bowl of sliced melon. The delicious, crisp taste will offer the refreshment you seek, while filling your body with nutrients it needs.

Betty Murray, CN, HHC, RYT is a Certified Nutritionist & Holistic Health Counselor, founder of the Dallas-based integrative medical center, Wellness and founder of the Metabolic Blueprint wellness program. Betty’s nutrition counseling practice specializes in metabolic and digestive disorders and weight loss resistance. A master of the biochemistry of the body, Betty teaches her clients how to utilize nutritional interventions to improve their health. Betty is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.


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