Friday, April 13, 2012

Tips for Choosing Fresh Fruit | ONO MELON

Today many supermarkets that sell fresh fruits. For those of you who want to buy the fruit but did not get into the traditional market, supermarket of choice. In contrast to traditional markets, buying fruit at the supermarket have high foresight. Why? Supermarkets have less officers who understand and master the technically fruits. Their duties are generally limited to displaying the fruit, weigh, or take your groceries to the car. While there, but there is rarely a counter clerk who knows the ins and outs to choose fruit. While in traditional markets, the buyer can simply ask the buyer characteristics of ripe fruit. Usually the merchant telling the truth.

The second issue, the fruit in the supermarket is usually a half-ripe fruit when it arrives at the supermarket. This means that the fruit is not ripe when picked, but because of the mature trees beyond. Many supermarkets are selling the fruit is still green and immature. That could happen because menstok supermarket fruit. In contrast to the fruit being sold in traditional markets. The traders generally sell direct so ripe on the tree.

For those of you who want to opt for fresh fruit, do not be disappointed with the results of your choice. Choose fruit that was really fresh and enjoyable. Not the fruit is harvested before its time. Besides, do you want of course is a fruit that contains lots of vitamins.

Here are tips for choosing a good and fresh fruit:

Choose a melon whose skin is fresh, not mushy. Some say that the sweet melon filled surface veins are very prominent. Vein was partially covers the basic color of skin melon.

Tap the fruit with your fingers, if the sound is louder then the apple crisp and juicy. If it sounds heavy, so it was not crunchy apple or the water is dried again. Press the apple, if the fruit is not hard anymore does not mean the fruit is crisp again. Of course then the results will be disappointing if eaten. A good apple is the skin smooth no spots, when held still feels hard and smells wonderful.

Choose bananas that are round and avoid choosing a dried banana stalks. Bananas are good should be yellow or green. Do not choose the color brown bananas.

Choose grapes that are still attached to the stem. Do not pick the grapes that are soft and wrinkled, select grapes that are still fresh. Note also the thickness of the skin, if thin, the water content found in grapes are many

Choose fruit that is still hard avocado and a light skin color (not too ripe). Then, save the avocado on the rice to be cooked quickly. How to check is ripe or not that is stick a toothpick into the meat near the stalk. If it can be moved in and out easily, it means the fruit is ripe avocado.

Use your sense of smell. Hold the fruit durian smell and if stung, it means that durian is ripe. Cut the stems, that means a nice yellow center.

The opposite of an apple. Orange peel is not smooth and there are patches of it, that’s a good citrus fruit. Plug in your thumb nail also to the center of citrus fruit, orange means that if the software is good. Do not forget to pick citrus fruit is still fresh, do not choose oranges that have been soft.

Choose fragrant mango and not mushy, and there are no bruises on the surface.
Select the tip of the stem yellowish.

Choose pineapples that are still strong and fresh stalks.
Choose a pineapple that bright yellow, which is not too hard, and sweet-scented. Choose a fat and weight. Avoid the yellow color to fade, wilt or look brownish, or look dry on the whole section.

Choose pears that smooth skin, no spots and the condition of the fruit is still hard.

If the watermelon sounds echoing tapped with a finger, then the fruit was fresh and good. If the former yellowish stalks mean the fruit is ripe, but if it is white it’s not cooked.


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