Monday, April 23, 2012

A Simple Secret Help You Burn Fat Effectively « The Flower Cottage ...

24 April 12   |   9:39 am   |   Category: Mother's Day

There are many diets available that claim to help your body melt off body fat. Knowing how to combine foods correctly is a key to managing weight. Foods could be classified based on their digestive requisites. By supporting your digestion in this way, it can stay healthy and completely digest every meal. Let’s consider the rules for right food combining.

There are 4 distinct types of food, and each and every type calls for different conditions for complete food breakdown. The four various types of food are protein-rich foods, carbs, non-starchy veggies, and fruits. Protein foods include eggs, fish and shellfish, meat, milk, yoghurt and cheese, soya beans, soya products and tofu, and nuts. Starchy vegetable like potatoes, cereals such as rice and oats, baked food items such as bread and cake, and also pasta are all included under carbs. Non-starchy vegetables include the usual salad ingredients, herbs, and a handful of seeds.

Fruits are grouped into sweet-tasting, tangy, sub-acidic, and melons. Figs, prunes, bananas, and preserved fruits have enough sugar to be classed as sweet. Examples of acid fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pineapples. Fruits like peaches, apples, plums, and berries are known as sub-acidic fruits. Of course, it’s not hard to guess what to include under melons; watermelon, honeydew melon, sweet melon, and other varieties.

Each food groups is broken down by different chemicals in the stomach. On one hand, foods high in protein call for an acidic environment, while on the other, carbohydrates require an alkaline one. Mixing carbohydrates and proteins results in neither an acidic nor a basic condition, which is not good. The result is that neither the proteins nor carbs become entirely broken down, and this may lead to many stomach problems. This is why many people are suffering from acid reflux, for instance, or even mucous colitis.

Here is information on how you can avoid stomach problems and be healthy. At each meal, resolve if you will eat protein or carbs, but not both. Accompany either carbs or proteins with non-starchy vegetables.

Fruits should consumed alone. You could mix sub-acid fruits with either sweetly flavored or sour fruits. Always take in melons by themselves for most effective digestion.

Furthermore, the time your body needs to digest the several kinds of food varies. Proteins are not totally digested until four hours after eating a meal, while carboyhdrate foods digest fully in only two hours. Avoid eating carbs for four hours after eating protein, for instance.

Begin to make changes in your diet slowly, as you get used to these new ways of consuming food. When you’re devoted to better health and losing weight, you’ll see that these rules very helpful.

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