Friday, March 2, 2012

Help Your Body To Burn Up Excess Fat

Getting rid of those unwanted pounds may be more painless than you think after you learn these simple facts. When you eat foods in the correct combination, your body successfully obtain its perfect weight. Being conscious of which foods can be eaten together is the essence of this weight loss strategy. By supporting your digestion in this manner, it can stay healthy and wholly digest every meal. Follow these guidelines to develop a healthier digestive tract.

There are 4 different food types, and each and every type demands different conditions for total breakdown of food. The four different kinds of food are proteins, carbohydrates, non-starchy vegetables, and fruits. Foods high in protein include eggs, fish and shellfish, meat, milk, yoghurt and cheese, soya beans, soybean products and tofu, and nuts. Carbohydrates include potatoes and starchy vegetables, grains including rice, corn, oats and millet, pasta, honey, sweets, and baked goods like bread, cookies, cakes, and pastries. Salad ingredients form the non-starchy veggie category, on top of herbs and some seeds.

Within the fruit group are four sub categories: acidic, sub-acidic, sweet and melons. Figs, prunes, bananas, and preserved fruits contain adequate amounts of sugar to be classified as sweet. Citrus fruits and pineapples are the primary acidic fruits. Sub-acidic fruits include: apples, papaya, mango, plums, kiwi, peaches, and nearly all berries. Melons include watermelon, sweet melon, honeydew melon, and many other melons.

Each food types is digested by various chemicals in the digestive track. Whereas a basic condition is essential in order to fully break down carbs, for example, an acidic condition is needed by proteins. When you combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal, the acidic and basic mixture of digestive juices produces a neutral condition in the digestive track. The ensuing unfinished break down of food is asking for trouble. You may cause yourself cramps or heartburn, or even worse conditions, by mixing non-complementary foods.

If you adhere to these tips, you’ll feel a lot better after every meal. Do not consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. Non-starchy vegetables go well with both, so they can become a typical addition to almost all of your meals.

Fruits should eaten alone. Sub-acid fruits mix very well with both sour or sweetly flavored fruits, if you want to consume more than one type of fruit in a serving. Melons must not be eaten with any other fruit.

In addition, consider that the different types of food require different periods of time to be digested in the stomach completely. Carbs are digested in 2 hours while foods rich in protein require 4 hours for complete digestion. This is essential so you don’t consume a conflicting type of food too soon after your earlier meal.

Since these guidelines suggest that you keep off everyday dishes like pizza with cheese, burgers, and meat sandwiches, it is better to allow yourself some time to stick to these new habits. When you’re dedicated to better health and losing weight, you’ll discover these rules very helpful.

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