Thursday, February 9, 2012

5-Minute Melon Rosemary Sorbet

Print This Post Print This Post 5-Minute Melon Rosemary Sorbet

Melon in the middle of winter is usually a recipe for a hard, tasteless waste of money. At least that’s been my experience. So ordinarily I won’t even go near the melons unless it is high summer and you can practically smell them as you enter the front door of the market.

But wait! We now have Gold Canary Melons, a delicate, sweet variety imported from Brazil. As my produce sensei Robert Schueller says, “Follow Mother Nature and the season to where it grows and tastes wonderful, and that is how you enjoy melons in the winter.”

Gold Canary MelonA bright yellow exterior gives way to flesh that is the lightest hint of green. The taste is not as cloying as honeydew, but perhaps a cross between that and cantaloupe – refreshing, perfectly sweet, juicy and tender when ripe.

Gold Canary Melon with Blueberries on topIt’s wonderful to eat a wedge, and simply savor a melon variety that actually tastes good and sweet for this time of the year.

But you can also put it to use in a more sophisticated, yet easily made sorbet. If you use a simple freezing trick, you can have the sorbet scooped into the dessert dishes while the kids are still arguing over whose turn it is to clear the table.

Hey, don’t look at me! I’m in the kitchen whipping up sorbet in my food processor. You guys figure out who clears.


Use fresh rosemary for best results and flavor. Mince it finely.

Gold Canary Melons in food processor

Put the frozen melon cubes into a food processor.

Gold Canary Melon whirled in food processor

Whirl the melon, agave and rosemary until it is thick and creamy.

Melon Rosemary Sorbet

Scoop it into a bowl and enjoy!

Summary: Cut the melon and freeze it the day before, and then make this delicious, delicately flavored Melon Rosemary Sorbet after you’re done with dinner the next day. It will take only 5 minutes and a food processor.


  • Half a Gold Canary Melon, seeded, skin peeled off and cut into chunks (about 3-4 cups chunks)
  • 3 tablespoons agave sweetener
  • 3/4 teaspoon finely minced fresh rosemary
  • Garnish: a fresh rosemary sprig (optional but cute)


  1. Place melon chunks on a plastic plate or tray in a single layer and freeze overnight.
  2. When you are ready to eat the sorbet the next day, place the frozen melon chunks in the food processor, add the agave and rosemary, and whirl until it comes together and begins to look like thick ice cream. You may need to add a tablespoon or more of water to help the process along. But don’t whirl so long that you make slush, though. Stop when it is just spoonable.
  3. Scoop into bowls and stick in a sprig of fresh rosemary.
  4. Serves 4-6.

Quick notes

Vegan, gluten-free, non-dairy, low-fat, fruit-filled…this baby has a lot going for it!

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Diet tags: Low fat, Gluten free, Raw, Vegan
Number of servings (yield): 4-6
Culinary tradition: USA (Nouveau)

Disclosure: Melissa’s Produce provided samples of the melon mentioned in this article. There was no expectation or requirement of endorsement. My opinions, as always, are my own. 

Gold Canary Melon wedge with blueberries

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