Thursday, February 23, 2012

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Body fat can be divided into many types, including floating fat, polyester and superfluous fat. They can in the human body “rampant”, mainly due to the lack of the body of certain endocrine. Therefore, weight loss, the most fundamental way, we must proceed from the control of endocrine. In nature, many materials to help reach caused by endocrine balance, inhibits fat production. Therefore, anyone who knows consumption, it naturally will not get fat. Otherwise, body fat making machine, like non-stop operation, the end of the year round.

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Most scraping oil, fruits and vegetables

Whenever people are faced with a sumptuous table, taste delicacies, meat and fish meal, some fruits and vegetables, but treat Mo see, in fact, these fruits and vegetables are on the table “reputation of the” lipid-lowering drugs.

Cucumbers: crisp and delicious, with heat, thirst, diuretic effect. It contains cellulose can promote intestinal tract of food residue, thereby reducing the absorption of cholesterol. Cucumber also contains a substance called alcohol acid substances that can inhibit the body of carbohydrates into fat, the effect of weight loss and lipid metabolism.

Eggplant: contains vitamins, especially the purple eggplant contain more vitamin P, can enhance cell adhesion and improve microvascular flexibility. Medical studies have shown that eggplant can lower cholesterol, but also to prevent the vascular damage caused by hyperlipidemia, may aid the treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Mung bean: summer Qingshu to share with lower blood lipid, protects the heart, prevention of coronary heart disease. Animal experiments show that green beans can effectively reduce serum cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL significantly reduced coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Clinical practice has proved that patients with hyperlipidemia daily moderate consumption of mung bean, significant cholesterol-lowering effect.

Mushrooms: digestion, fat, blood pressure and other effects. Cellulose contained in them can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. The mushrooms also contain mushrooms purine such as nucleic acids, can promote cholesterol decomposition. Vegetables in mushrooms can lower total cholesterol and triglycerides.

Sweet potato: botanical slimming nutrition studies found that moderate consumption of sweet potato can prevent lipid deposition in the cardiovascular system, the prevention of atherosclerosis, reduced subcutaneous fat, avoid obesity. Should be noted that excessive intake of sweet potato can eat the increase in total calories, but not conducive to lowering blood lipids.

Hawthorn: containing mainly hawthorn acid, citric acid, the decomposition of fat acids, vitamin C, flavonoids, carbohydrates and other ingredients, with dilation of blood vessels, improve microcirculation, lower blood pressure and promote excretion of cholesterol and reduce the role of lipids. Hawthorn is acidic foods, it is not appropriate fasting eating, should not be too long before food is best consumed after a meal.

Apple: foreign studies show that eating an apple a day can make coronary heart disease risk of death decreased by half, thanks to the flavonoids contained in apples. Flavonoids are a natural antioxidant, play the role of anti-atherosclerosis by inhibiting LDL oxidation. In addition, apple pectin can lower cholesterol levels, and therefore conducive to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Although the causes of obesity, most of them vary, but in Chinese medicine, obesity is the loss of absorbed water dispersion by the liver, stomach restricted, the moisture is not shipped, sputum lipid stop due, and therefore should be therapeutic, conditioning good in vivo function.

Melon: Melon contains sugar, protein, various vitamins and minerals, nutrient-rich, and both can be used to soup, do melon insanity, into Tanggua winter, etc. can also be pickled, and more can be used as medicine treatment. Chinese medicine believes that the melon is sweet, slightly cold, non-toxic, diuretic swelling, heat, thirst quenching, detoxification, weight reduction effect. Vegetables in melon arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and diabetes have a good effect, the treatment of edema and abdominal distension, the effect is particularly significant.

Snacks of nuts will also help to lose weight

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Nuts: salted dry or salty crisp peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, dried white or crisp system, walnut meat, honey system date.

Bacon and dried fish: such as dried pork, beef jerky, whitebait dry.

Soy products: such as tofu, soybeans, dry, dry broad beans, Qi Sapporo hoof (Yuba System), black vinegar and soy.

Preserved fruits: Chen Pimei, Jiaying child, plum, salted kumquat and so on.

Acid fruit: Bayberry, tomatoes, sour grapes, plum and so on.

Above snacks are fat, cholesterol, sugar rarely meizitang slimming lowering blood glucose and cholesterol-lowering effect, and medical value.



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