Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Urbane Talk » Blog Archive » fruta planta like Fried melon seeds skins

The best in between meals put chestnuts as a snack, or do in the food to eat, not after dinner plenty to eat, in order to avoid taking in too much heat, is not conducive to keep weight.

Sugar fry chestnuts also has “poison” beautiful color from wax

1, from sugar meaning analysis. People like sugar fry chestnut, because eat up is sweet and delicious, take for granted the because of using sugar for frying the chestnuts reasons. Just think, the skin of the thick and tough chestnuts, whether it is a solid of sugar or heating after sugar, are difficult to enter chestnuts inside, but stick in the shell of particles. And our country have a lot of places in the fire when chestnut without sugar fry, taste the same is sweet and delicious, so “sugar” fry chestnuts from taste speak, sugar not meaningful.

2, from health perspective. No sugar Fried chestnuts appearance is a dry, fruta planta like Fried melon seeds skins, finish eat not dirty hands. And sugar fry chestnuts finished eating will find hand is the dark, not only to clean up every time I eat is stuck in hand “sugar,” and because the sugar in after the special craft viscous, is still very may cause the dust, sand chestnuts out inside the dirty thing glued to the chestnuts on flesh, was eventually brought to our stomach.

Chestnut contains rich vitamin C, can maintain the teeth, bones, and the blood vessels of the muscle function properly, can the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, waist and leg muscles ache, fruta planta reduce weight pain, and the lack of, delay human aging, the old people are the ideal health fruit. Often eat raw chestnuts and waist pain, acid treatment relieves muscle loose effect.

Chestnut contains lactoflavin, often eat chestnuts, refractory children born long labored sores and adult oral ulcer beneficial.

Chinese chestnut eating taboo on hand to taste not to eat Many people know that Chinese chestnut nutritional value high, rich in vitamin C, potassium, to human body has the advantage, but not all one for edible chestnuts. Patients with diabetes should eat less

Chestnut contains a lot of soft pyramidal fiber, patients with diabetes can taste the right amount. Chinese chestnut contains carbohydrate is higher, but blood glucose reaction less than rice, so patients with diabetes can eat Chinese chestnut, but eat a few star is enough. The sugar fry chestnut street, in the hotel and chestnut chicken because processing process joined the sugar, patients with diabetes is better not to eat.

Eat should not be faint taste Nutrient expert introduction, chestnut no matter to people eats raw cooked the intestines and stomach function requirements are very high. Because it is a raw food difficult digest, cooked food and gas to lag. So, if you have a taste weak, indigestion, abdominal distension,, raw or cooked don’t eat more, every day 5 ~ 10 grains is enough. Eat to chew carefully, to taste a bit when no residue again to swallow.

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