Monday, February 13, 2012

! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Sweet Ribbon: SkinFood Honey Melon Hand Balm *review

Any skin food fans??

Many of my friends recommend skin food and body shop's products to me

My fds said they're so good but actually they didn't said how good they are ......

so this time I tried skin food hand blam:)

SkinFood Honey Melon Hand Balm is a moist type hand cream that contains honey melon and lime extracts, which are rich in vitamin C, to impact mooist and shiny features to dry and crumbly hands.

I always think that hand balms are oily , but this one is not !!

The texture of the balm is a little bit waxy ...and I need to spread it well .

See the waxy surface ?actually it looks like cream more than oily balm...

A little bit sticky when I first applied it  , but still easy to spread 

I like :

  • Not oily or greasy!
  • Glides on smoothly 
  • Balm of fresh melon !  I really love the sweet smell of melon ,especially eating melon ice cream :)
  • Moisturizing ,which is the most important thing

but it is Not convenient to bring it out because it can't be squeezed out easily like hand cream 

and it’s larger than my hand cream so I won't put it in my handbag.

just places it on my desk 

I use it every bitterly cold winter night before go to bed :) 

I apply it on both my hand and feet . xd  you know heels would also get dry in winter

but I think I won't purchase it in summer........or my hands may get oily :o 

I don't know if you like skin food or not,

but if you love fresh melon smell  , try it in winter!! :)

thanks for reading :)



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