Friday, February 24, 2012

Help Your Body To Burn Up Excess Fat Send Margot Love

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Getting rid of those unwanted pounds may be less complicated than you think after you learn these simple facts. Among the best kept secrets to slimming downweight loss is to simply consume foods in specific combinations that permit the body to fully digest what you consumehave eaten. Knowing which foods can be eaten at the same time is the essence of this weight loss plan. This allows your digestive system to function properly, resulting in complete digestion. Here’s an uncomplicated guide for optimum food combining.

There are 4 distinct types of food, and each and every type requires different conditions for full food breakdown. Carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, and non-starchy veggies make up the 4 categories. Fish, meat, dairy, soy, and nuts are the primary protein-rich foods. Starchy vegetable like potatoes, food grains like rice and oats, baked goods such as bread and cake, as well as pasta are all included under carbs. Lettuce, celery, and other usual salad ingredients comprise the non-starchy vegetable group.

Within the fruit group are four sub classes: acidic, sub-acidic, sweet and melons. Sugar rich or sweet fruits are dehydrated fruits, figs, dates, and bananas. Pineapples, lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are the most typical fruits belonging in the acidic category. The fruits referred to as sub-acidic, like apples, papayas, kiwis, peaches, and berries have less acid than citrus fruit, which is why they are called sub-acidic. Melons include watermelon, sweet melon, honeydew, and various other melons.

These different food types require different conditions in the digestive track in order to fully digest and be assimilated. On the one hand, foods high in protein need an acidic environment, while on the other, carbohydrates require an alkaline one. Combining carbs and proteins results in neither an acidic nor an alkaline environ, which is not good. The ensuing incomplete break down of food is asking for trouble. This is the reason lots of people are suffering from reflux, for example, or even IBS.

To avoid such problems and burn fat efficiently, follow these uncomplicated rules of correct food mixing at each meal. Take in either carbohydrate rich foods or protein-rich foods at every meal, never together. Accompany either carbs or proteins with non-starchy vegetables.

It’s best to consume simply fruits alone. You could combine sub-acid fruits with either sweet or sour fruits. Always consume melons by themselves for most effective digestion.

In addition, the time your body requires to digest the different types of food varies. It takes a couple of hours to digest carbs, four to digest protein rich foods. This is essential so you don’t eat a contradictory type of food shortly after your previous meal.

Since a lot of common meals include damaging food combinations, you may need some time to break old habits. When you’re committed to better health and losing weight, you’ll realize these rules extremely helpful.

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