Friday, February 10, 2012

Morning Meanderings… Recap Of A Pretty Sweet Day « Book Journey

Posted on by Sheila (Book Journey)

Good morning all!  :D

Birthday yesterday was pretty sweet… even with hubby out-of-town he was in contact with me throughout the day. :D   I worked, had lunch with Ann Marie,  I did a little shopping and then met up with some friends at a wine tasting event for charity and we enjoyed wonderful appetizers and conversation.  Thank you Key, Wendy, and Sandi… seriously you made my evening!  :D

For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook you may have also seen this:

That would be my college son and he made me smile when I logged on to Facebook and had this waiting for me.  He called me later to tell me that he got up early to do this before class started.  My heart melts for that kid….

Then last night at the wine tasting event we sat in a different part of the restaurant that I have not sat in before, a little room to the front of the dining area and when I looked up….. oh my…

I probably do not need to tell you that the wheels in my head started turning… looks like an eye hook screw into the wall and then a heavy cord or band to loop through the book…. oh seriously…. this is pretty darn cool… and a little Harry Potterish too… (think flying books!)  I may need to give this a try in my reading room… maybe… I am not sure… but maybe… :D

Yesterday I posted two giveaways – check them out here and here:D

As for today I work, I hopefully work out… and then a quiet evening at home is just what I need….



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