Saturday, February 25, 2012

Help Your Body To Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat | Monster Article

Slimming down may be easier than you think after you discoverhear about these simple facts. Having the knowledge combine foods the right way is an essential component of weight management. The basic principle of eating in order to promote loss of weight requires mixing items from compatible food groups while avoiding contradictory foods in the same meal. When you eat up congruous foods at the same meal, your digestive system will be able to perform its job right. Let’s discuss the rules for correct food combining.

You can divide foods into one of four types according to their digestive characteristics. Sugars, proteins, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables represent the four categories. Protein foods include all meats and fish, dairy products, nearlyall nuts, and soybean foods. Carbohydrate-rich food include potatoes and starchy veggies, grains such as rice, corn, oats and millet, pasta, honey, confections, and baked goods such as bread, cookies, cakes, and pastry doughs. Salad ingredients form the non-starchy vegetable class, along with herbs and some seeds.

Making matters a little more complex, you should be able to distinguish between four types of fruits: sweet, acidic, sub-acidic and melons. Figs, prunes, bananas, and preserved fruits contain sufficient sugar to be classified as sweet. Citrus fruits and pineapples are the highly acidic ones. Fruits such as peaches, apples, plums, and berries are known as sub-acidic fruits. Of course, it’s easy to guess what to include under melons; watermelon, honeydew, sweet melon, and other varieties.

These varying food types call for diverse conditions in the digestive track in order to wholly be digested and be assimilated. For example, high protein foods require an acidic environment to induce total digestion, while carbohydrate foods need an an alkaline condition. When you blend proteins and carbohydrates in one meal, the acidic and basic mixture of digestive juices makes a neutral condition in the stomach. The resulting incomplete break down of food is asking for trouble. This is why many people are afflicted with acid reflux, for instance, or even IBS.

To avert such problems and burn fat efficiently, observe these uncomplicated guidelines of correct food blending at each meal. Eat either carbohydrate rich foods or proteins at each meal, never simultaneously. Non-starchy vegetables go well with both, so they can become a regular addition to most meals.

It’s a good idea to eat only fruits alone. You may combine sub-acid fruits with either sweet or acid fruits. Always take in melons by themselves for best digestion.

Likewise, consider that the different types of food call for different periods of time to be completely digested. It takes 2 hours to break down carbs, 4 to digest proteins. This is important so you don’t eat a conflicting type of food too soon after your earlier meal.

Since many the typical meal items include harmful food combinations, you may need some time to eliminate old habits. When you’re devoted to better health and shedding off extra weight, you’ll discover these rules extremely helpful.

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